ERO Confirmed Reports 2025:

Please see here for our ERO Confirmed Reports on the ERO website.

School Magazine 2024 

Please click this link for a digital copy of our 2024 School Magazine.

Excellence Assembly 

Tuesday 18 March, 10.15am

Excellence Assembly for students who gain NCEA with Excellence and Pathways.

Subject Pathways

Subject Pathways

Subject Pathways

Essential Information

Essential Information

Essential Information




Whatever you do, do to the best of your ability

At Sacred Heart Girls’ College, New Plymouth, Manawa Tapu,  we Live the Mission gifted to us by the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions through Ako, Manaakitanga and Wāhine Toa.  We believe that every individual is made in the image and likeness of God and our GEMS and Manaaki programmes are designed to encourage every person to strive for individual excellence.  Student academic, physical and spiritual hauora is actively nurtured and nourished.

We are proud of our achievements and the wide variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that our students have the opportunity to participate in.

The college buildings are modern and well-maintained on an attractive, spacious site that is shared with our boarding hostel, Elizabeth House and an aged care facility, Adele Senior Living.  A  strong, inclusive family environment exists and is an important aspect of our culture that we treasure.

Since the college was established, its motto “Age Quod Agis” (whatever you do, do to the best of your ability), has been one that we are proud to live by.



Mrs Barbara Costelloe

Tumuaki – Principal