02 Mar Ash Wednesday Liturgy
This Lent we use the following symbols to help us to remember the millions of people in our world who are faced with difficult challenges caused by the impact of climate change.
The Cross reminds us that Jesus loved us enough to lay down his life for us on a cross. He calls us to ‘Take up your cross and follow me.’ Sometimes we can feel that we have a heavy burden to carry because of the problems we face at school or at home. Help us to remember that Jesus is walking beside us in the tough times. Help us not to strip anyone of their respect and dignity.
Purple cloth reminds us that Lent is a time of change and growth and preparation for Easter. It reminds us to forgive others and ask for forgiveness ourselves. When we forgive those who have hurt us and when we ask for forgiveness of those we have hurt, we will become peacemakers like Jesus.
A lighted candle reminds us that we share in the journey of the cross with Jesus who is the light and hope of the world. Help us to see the way clearly so that we may use this time of Lent to grow closer to God and those around us.
The Bible reminds us to take time to think about the Word of God during Lent and to listen to what God is saying to us through the Bible. Jesus spent time alone in the Garden praying to God. During this Lent, help us to set aside some special quiet time to be alone with God.
Our Lenten Poster reminds us to be generous this Lent and remember that when we encounter our sisters and brothers, wherever they may live, we encounter the face of Christ. Help us to reach out to those around us, and see Christ’s suffering in people who lack what they need to live in dignity.
Leaves that are dying reminds us of the cycle of life – that all things must die so that they may rise to new life. As we begin this season of Lent, we pray that we stop still long enough to look inside ourselves and recognise you as you walk beside us on our journey in life.
Ashes, placed on our foreheads, reminds us that how we live matters, and that we too will return to ashes one day. As we receive these ashes today, let us remember our own hurts and sinfulness, but also Jesus’ call to a fresh start and his promise of a new beginning. We can rise to grow again from the hurts of our failings.