Balancing Screen Time

Balancing Screen Time

At Sacred Heart Girls’ College, we encourage and support the use of devices for learning and they play an important part of staff and students’ school day.

We have recently opened up dialogue among our staff to try to find ways to help our students (and ourselves) balance screen time with ‘unplugged’ time and to use technology in a way that benefits us all.

From today until the end of the term, we are running a campaign to make our students, staff and community think about how they are using digital devices.

To encourage students to ‘unplug’ at break times, will be giving out tickets for a draw. They will be in to win vouchers for Mega Bounce for themselves and 3 friends. Keep an eye  out on Facebook and the school website for pictures of those being “caught unplugged!”

Each day we will share some thoughts from staff and students along with some tips to support healthy use of devices and some research to demonstrate both the positive and negative effects of our screen time.


The first instalment focusses on screen time

Second instalment – Devices at home

Third instalment – Software Engineering – Who has the control?