21 Feb Swimming Sports ahead as planned Fri 23 Feb
Kia ora families
Sacred Heart Girls’ College swimming sports will go ahead as planned Friday 23rd February at the NP Aquatic Centre. The NPDC confirm that it is safe to use the facilities, although shower facilities will not be available. Students are to bring their own safe drinking water for the day, along with togs, towels, sunscreen, hats, kai and a smile! The canteen will be open.
Students can arrange for their own transport to the Aquatic Centre or take a bus from the college at 8.30am, returning at 3pm. Bus students are to meet on the top field. The Hawera boarders’ bus will run to and from the Aquatic Centre, departing The Hub at 7.30am and departing the Aquatic Centre for the return trip at 3pm. Elizabeth House hostel remains closed. Please note, the school will not be open although there will be a skeleton administration team on site. Please follow usual attendance procedures if your daughter is absent from swimming sports.
Please plan for school as usual from Monday, including hostel facilities and TOPEC, unless notified otherwise. We will communicate with families again midday Sunday 25th February to update the situation.
Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate the water crisis with you. Looking forward to a great day at the pool tomorrow.
Paula Wells