
ENROLMENT APPLICATIONS PROCESS – to be considered for enrolment and entry to the boarding hostel, Elizabeth House, and as a day student at SHGC, applications must be submitted by the end of Term 2, the year before entry.

Our enrolment process is:

  • All enrolments close by the end of Term 2 the year before entry.
  • Places for preference applications are determined first, following our priority in enrolment procedure (see button below).
  • An enrolment hui is offered in Term 3 to preference applications that have been offered a confirmed place.
  • If there are more enrolment applications than places of the same priority order (preference or non-preference), then a ballot is held.
  • Once numbers for preference enrolments have been established, the number of non-preference (if there are places left), are confirmed (see priority in enrolment procedure below).

Click on the buttons below to access our Prospectus and Enrolment Forms.

Please note that a Preference Form is valid for 2 years from the start date that the student will first attend SHGC. It cannot be accepted if it is signed for longer than 2 years out from the calendar year of entry.

For any further enrolment queries, please contact the office, email: