
ENROLMENT APPLICATIONS PROCESS – to be considered for enrolment and entry to the boarding hostel, Elizabeth House, and as a day student at SHGC, applications must be submitted by the end of Term 2, the year before entry.

Our enrolment process is:

  • All enrolments close by the end of Term 2 the year before entry.
  • Places for preference applications are determined first, following our priority in enrolment procedure (see button below).
  • An enrolment hui is offered in Term 3 to preference applications that have been offered a confirmed place.
  • If there are more enrolment applications than places of the same priority order (preference or non-preference), then a ballot is held.
  • Once numbers for preference enrolments have been established, the number of non-preference (if there are places left), are confirmed (see priority in enrolment procedure below).

Click on the buttons below to access our Prospectus and Enrolment Forms.

For any further enrolment queries, please contact the office, email: