English Pathway
To encourage students to read widely, write in a variety of genre, explore language and its intended effects, think critically about texts and process and present information both orally and visually.
To encourage students to read widely, write in a variety of genre, explore language and its intended effects, think critically about texts and process and present information both orally and visually.
Reading; Writing; Speaking; Listening; Presenting; Viewing; Processing.
This is a highly recommended course for many tertiary degrees.
There is an opportunity for subject endorsement. This pathway provides an opportunity for Level One Literacy credits and University Entrance Literacy credits. There is an opportunity to qualify for the speech finals through this pathway.
Please note the Level Three course is an advanced, academic English course for those with an interest in language and literature.
The literature studied in Level 3 English has helped me to understand how people tick. It has also helped me have a better appreciation of how our language choices are such powerful tools in communicating ideas. Level 3 English has helped set me up for my future study, especially in my Psychology course where I will need to be able to ‘read’ people’s behaviour. English has created a strong foundation for my future pathways.
Gemma Walsh – Year 13 English
Abigail Rilkoff ari@shgcnp.school.nz (Leader of Learning)
Jenny Brown jbr@shgcnp.school.nz
Pauline Koorey pko@shgcnp.school.nz
Preeta Menon pme@shgcnp.school.nz
Holly Miller hmi@shgcnp.school.nz
Emily Scott esc@shgcnp.school.nz