Poipoia te kakano kia puawai – Nurture the seed and it will blossom.
Religious Studies is a compulsory subject for all students, to reflect the Catholic Character of our College while embracing gospel values.
To continue the students’ experience and knowledge of the Catholic faith and Catholic practices. Through the study of: Human Experience; Scripture and Tradition; Church History; Theology; Sacrament and Worship; Social Justice, students develop ways of integrating faith, life and culture.
Thinking; Using language symbols and texts; Managing self; Relating to others; Participating and contributing.
Leads to tertiary study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Psychology and Medicine.
Religious Education is a compulsory course at all levels. In Religious Education, the academic content is chosen to complement the charism of the college community, which is concerned with nurturing faith and with relating the faith journey to the present-day world. As well as the academic aspect of the course, students go on a retreat and participate in a class or year level Eucharist. Religious Education includes units of work which complement the Health Education Programme. A dedicated Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Programme runs alongside Religious Education at all levels. This subject is internally assessed.
Religious Studies is enjoyable as it encourages the deepening and learning of our Catholic faith. I’m challenged by how we apply aspects of faith to current social and ethical issues. I enjoy the academic challenge and exploring modern discipleship in an interesting and relevant way.
Cornelia Chan – Year 13 Religious Studies
Catherine Landrigan cla@shgcnp.school.nz
(Leader of Learning)
Helen Basilie hba@shgcnp.school.nz
Joan Hodson jho@shgcnp.school.nz
Pauline Koorey pko@shgcnp.school.nz
Wendy Mulligan wmu@shgcnp.school.nz